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Hiring case #1 - NDA startup

When our studio focused on a vacancy on March 8, we didn't expect to extend a job offer in just nine days. But that's exactly what happened, demonstrating the impact of collaborative effort and quick decision-making.

Our team boasts extensive experience in supporting startups and small product companies. We've handled a diverse range of projects, each with its unique requirements and teams. Some keep their project details secret, while others require strict NDAs that cover everything, including project details, company data, the names of the owners, and all team members. One of these very private startups has become a memorable and ongoing partnership for us.

About a year ago, friends of our former colleagues approached us with their plan: a mobile game development startup. They had everything—ambition, ideas, funding—except for one critical element: the right team to execute their vision.

After meeting the founders and recognizing their sincere yet pragmatic approach, we were enthusiastic about helping them assemble their core team. Attracting top talent without any public information about the startup posed a significant challenge, but it was one we were ready to tackle.

Our team started by reaching out to trusted contacts. Just a couple days into the search, we identified several promising candidates. After the first interviews, we found the perfect person, who was precisely what the startup needed. We introduced them to our client and facilitated their meeting.

It was clear to everyone: the candidate was a perfect fit for the client's position and was keen to collaborate, and the client made a job offer the following day. When you find the perfect match, you're done looking.

The Outcome: Vacancy Filled in Under Two Weeks.

Why was this process so effective?

  • Direct involvement: The client actively participated in the hiring process and provided prompt feedback on each candidate.
  • Clear objectives: They had a well-defined understanding of the roles and expectations for new hires.
  • Engaged interviewing: The hiring manager's active role in interviews, combined with our involvement, gave us clear insights into the client's needs and preferences.
  • Robust network: Our extensive, reliable network played a crucial role.
  • Mutual trust: Above all, the trust between us and our clients was pivotal.

This experience highlights the power of teamwork, trust, and a strong network in navigating the competitive and changeable tech sphere, ensuring swift and successful hiring outcomes.