Unlocking the power of talent, worldwide.
Everything that you planned can be achieved with the right people exactly at the moment when you decide to win.
About us
Hi there! We're Julia and Olga, the faces behind MatchMakers, who bring substantial expertise in recruitment from our diverse backgrounds in the tech and gaming sectors.

Julia initiated her career in 2013, swiftly moving from an outsourcing company to a leadership role in a product team, where she excelled in scaling the workforce and expanding operations globally.

Olga started in recruitment in 2017, quickly advancing from an agency to a product company where she played a key role in assembling and leading recruitment team and launching a new departments and products.

Our journey has enriched us with a treasure trove of connections and a robust network of talented professionals. Our collective expertise in strategic recruitment, assembling teams for fast-growing projects, and navigating corporate transformations uniquely positions us to lead a hiring studio dedicated to providing top-tier recruitment solutions in rapidly evolving industries.
Main reasons why choose MatchMakers
Beyond recruitment, we deliver comprehensive solutions that significantly enhance your business, approaching everything we do with joy and a lot of love.
We understand the importance of time and the impact a wrong hire can have on your business.
We offer personalized recruitment services that prioritize efficiency and effectiveness.
Our recruiters brings over five years of experience in hiring top-tier professionals.
We ensure that our pricing reflects the quality/value ratio, making it a competitive option in the market.
What we can offer
  • Selected Talent Pool
    With years of experience in recruitment, we have built a valuable and impressive database of candidates, enabling us to quickly connect you with top talent perfectly suited to your needs.
  • Continuous Support
    We provide ongoing support from onboarding to adjustment, ensuring a seamless integration of new hires into your team.
  • Customised Pipeline
    Each recruitment strategy is customized to meet your unique needs, adapting to specific expertise or cultural preferences to find the right talent.
  • Success Candidate Experience
    We focus on delivering an exceptional recruitment experience, enhancing your employer brand by ensuring candidates feel valued and engaged.
Choose Your Option
Each model can be customized to meet your unique needs and requirements. Our goal is to provide you with the flexibility and scalability you need to achieve your hiring objectives efficiently and cost-effectively.
assistance with specific stages of the recruitment process

hiring process from scratch from defining requirements to providing support during onboarding
assistance with your in-house recruitment processes

Our Clients
Delighted to work with amazing companies and
be part of their team-building journey.
Let's Get Hiring
We are thrilled to guide you through every step of the recruitment process with care, making it seamless and effective.
Feel free to contact us
We are always here to address your recruitment needs.
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